Echo Can Luo



Ins  echocanluo

Echo Can Luo was born in China in 1988. She has been a part of Monitoring, 34. Kasseler Dokfest, and has showed her work at the CAA art Museum at Hangzhou China, MdbK Leipzig, Hanshan art museum, Chengdu biennale China, Kasseler Kunstverein, Panke Gallery Berlin, Kunstraum Villa Friede Bonn and Der REAKTOR Wien, amongst other places.


Incorporating video into installation is the way Luo creates her art. Based on the algorithms, including 3D modelling, 3D Photogrammetry and face tracking, she project aims to observe into thebiased and differentiated algorithm in the process of applying and testing the software as well as the influence of discrimination and bias on real-life situations and data.