beauty_alpha derives from the web API of Meitu, a large AI open platform in China. As a clause in the programming language and a parameter for the beauty level, it is widely applied by the platform in algorithm systems for filters of social software and its smart medical plastic surgery app. The beauty level can be set by adjusting the parameter alpha of a portrait, and the larger alpha is, the higher the beauty level will be in the eyes of AI and the more perfect it will be.

beauty_alpha art project is an installation combining research-based VR and 2-channel video installation, to form a coherent narrative structure with the concept of “ever-increasing values of alpha”, to display research findings including reproduced images in the form of the video installations, and build a constantly progressive spatial relation by simulating adopting a narrative structure with chapters in the exhibition environment. Moreover, from the perspective of critical thinking, restrictions of virtual reality and AI technology on women will be specially highlighted. Besides, it is hoped that women and minority groups can be encouraged not to be affected by invisible digital bias.

Sound Credit: He Xuezhou

The realistic and physical transformation of technology and virtual networks has become a key topic in our society now.
Science and technology extend the lifespan of mankind and Machine learning is expected to help humans evolve even in the field of plastic surgery. However, plastic surgeons must be aware that the artificial intelligence (AI) could create a biased view on patients, instead of promoting objectivity.

Social media enable us to communicate in multiple ways, which changes physical distance in a sense, but should they beautify faces through their filters? Is there bias in algorithms behind them? The physical and mental health of many users have been affected, as they cannot achieve the perfect life shown by Internet celebrities.

Behind the development of AI by relevant programmers, we also require transparency and fairness of data and algorithms. Is women’s control of their self-images gradually weakened in the world of digital media?
Smartphone or new media have become important factors that influence behavioral habits, and we get used to the harm brought by those new technologies to privacy and identity, and even problems like racism and sexism are common. These technologies inspire hope as well as bring anxiet.
As believed by cyberfeminism, women should be free, independent and sexy in the future and in science and technology, their rights should not degrade step by step or be neglected in the field of cyber or virtual science and technology.